This page is for whistleblowers seeking to contact the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

Should you wish to share your views on an issue of concern to the nation's veterans please use the form below. While the Committee may not be able to respond directly to your message, staff review each and every one of the communications the Committee receives. The concerns raised are a critical source of information to the Committee and contribute to our legislative and oversight agenda. Thank you, in advance, for your message. 

Depending on the nature of the issues you want to report, you may also be interested in contacting the VA Office of Inspector General and/or the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. Each of these independent government watchdogs conduct reviews of various types of concerns with VA operations and programs.

Please note the Committee does not perform casework. If you are seeking help in resolving a specific problem with the Department of Veterans Affairs, we recommend that you contact one of the Senators from your home state. Your Senator's office includes staff who are experienced in such matters and will do their best to help you. You may find contact information for your Senators by clicking on My United States Senator.

To contact Chairman Moran's Committee Staff, please use the below webform below or email directly.

To contact Ranking Member Blumenthal's Committee Staff, please use this webpage.

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