Chairman Moran Leads Hearing with VA, VSOs to Review Pending Legislation


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (Kan.) – chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs – led a committee hearing today to consider 15 pending pieces of legislation, including his Restore VA Accountability Act, Veterans’ ACCESS Act, External Provider Scheduling Act and Love Lives On Act. During the hearing, representatives from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), The American Legion, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors and Veterans of Foreign Wars testified about the bills.


“Together these bills will build on the bipartisan successes Congress has achieved in prior years to expand access to care and benefits for veterans and survivors, remove barriers to life-saving mental health care, and root out poor performers to strengthen the VA’s workforce,” said Sen. Moran.


Sen. Moran also spoke about recent workforce changes at VA and called on VA to work with the committee, VSOs and veterans to make improvements to the delivery of care, benefits and services to veterans, caregivers, survivors and VA beneficiaries.


“The VA needs reform; the status quo is something this committee spends its time trying to improve on,” said Sen. Moran. “If the status quo were working, we would not have spent two weeks hearing from VSOs on ways the VA needs to improve. However, changes that affect VA policy and personnel must be thoughtful, transparent, carried out in close coordination with this committee, with our colleagues and stakeholders - including veterans and the VSOs who represent them here in Washington.”


Sen. Moran’s questioning of witnesses can be found here.


Click HERE To Watch Sen. Moran’s Full Opening Remarks  


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