Chairman Moran Delivers Opening Remarks During Hearing with Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. & Multiple VSOs
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) – chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs – alongside Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.) – chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs – led a hearing to receive the legislative presentations of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., Paralyzed Veterans of America, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, The Elizabeth Dole Foundation and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans.
“The work we do on our committees would not be possible without the work and dedication of the VSO community,” said Sen. Moran. “Our accomplishments are a result of your advocacy and the efforts to hold Congress and VA accountable for doing what's in the best interest of our veteran and military communities.”
Click HERE to Watch Sen. Moran’s Full Remarks
Remarks as Prepared:
“This hearing will come to order. Good morning and welcome everyone.
“I would like to thank Chairman Bost, along with Ranking Members Blumenthal and Takano, and the rest of my Senate and House colleagues for joining us for today’s joint hearing, the final of three hearing our committees hosted this year.
“I want to specifically welcome Commander Al Lipphardt, his wife Carol, and the rest of the team from VFW.
“I also welcome all of the organizations represented on our second panel and those of you who have traveled here from across the country to represent veterans, servicemembers, caregivers, families, and survivors.
“I also want to give a special hello to the Kansans in the audience and those watching from home.
“The work we do on our committees would not be possible without the tireless work and dedication of the VSO community.
“Our accomplishments are a result of your advocacy and efforts to hold Congress and VA accountable for doing what's in the best interest of our veteran and military communities.
“One example of this is the Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act which was signed into law last Congress and supported by the organizations we will be hearing from today.
“We are working to make certain this legislation is implemented in a timely manner and in adherence with congressional intent so that it lives up to its promise for veterans, caregivers, and survivors.
“Your continued engagement and input is vital to that effort.
“All of the policies and programs that we will discuss today depend on a strong and effective VSO community and a strong and effective VA workforce to deliver the care and benefits veterans and their families deserve.
“As VA implements new federal workforce guidance, and we work together to root out waste, fraud, and abuse within VA, I am committed to making certain that the necessary VA workforce is preserved.
“VA must be forthcoming and transparent with Congress, VSOs, and the public about how it is implementing workforce, contract, and other changes.
“VA must also work to avoid or correct actions that could in any way undermine access to the care and benefits that veterans and their loved ones rely on.
“The efforts of VSOs like the ones here today and the ones we heard from last week help us address the pressing issues veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors face across the country.
“Thank you again for being here. I look forward to your testimony.”
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