Tester, Moran Demand Answers following Sexual Harassment Allegations at VA Office

(U.S. Senate) — Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Ranking Member Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) released a statement today following disclosures to the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee of allegations of sexual harassment involving employees within the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Office of Resolution Management, Diversity & Inclusion (ORMDI):

“Harassment or abuse of any kind should not be tolerated at VA, and anyone found responsible for the behavior in these allegations must be held accountable. The men and women at VA, especially those in leadership, are entrusted with doing right by our nation’s veterans. We’ll continue working with our colleagues in the House to ensure VA offers a professional workplace culture that reflects that sacred obligation, and is always providing veterans the services, benefits, and health care they deserve.”

Chairman Tester and Ranking Member Moran also sent a letter to VA Secretary Denis McDonough demanding documents and information regarding the ORMDI sexual harassment allegations and investigation, corrective actions taken, and related matters.