An Abiding Commitment to Those Who Served: Examining Veterans’ Access to Long Term Care
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Panel One
M. Christopher Saslo, DNS, Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Patient Care Services/Chief Nursing Officer, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs
Accompanied by:
Scotte R. Hartronft, MD, Executive Director, Office of Geriatrics & Extended Care
Jonathan Blum, Principal Deputy Administrator & Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services
Panel Two
Carl Blake, Executive Director, Paralyzed Veterans of America
Whitney Bell, President, National Association of State Veterans Homes
Carla Wilton, Chief Operating Officer, Immanuel Lutheran Communities
M. Christopher Saslo, DNS
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Patient Care Services/Chief Nursing Officer, Veterans Health AdministrationDepartment of Veterans AffairsDownload File (295.00 KB)Download File (177.23 KB) -
Jonathan Blum
Principal Deputy Administrator & Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDownload File (258.46 KB) -
Carl Blake
Executive DirectorParalyzed Veterans of AmericaDownload File (222.27 KB) -
Whitney Bell
PresidentNational Association of State Veterans HomesDownload File (971.50 KB) -
Carla Wilton
Chief Operating OfficerImmanuel Lutheran CommunitiesDownload File (121.66 KB)