Pending Legislation and Nomination

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1.     S. 785 (Tester/Moran) Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019 (Committee Print)

2.     S. 2336 (Tester/Blackburn) Department of Veterans Affairs Information Technology Reform Act
3.     S. 2864 (Sinema/Tillis/Blackburn) Sergeant Daniel Somers Veterans Network Support Act of 2019 (Committee Print)
4.     S. 524 (Tester/Sullivan/Sinema/Cramer) Department of Veterans Affairs Tribal Advisory Committee Act of 2019
5.     S. 2594 (Sullivan) Veterans’ Preference Parity Act
6.     S. 850 (Sullivan) Highly Rural Veteran Transportation Program Extension Act (Committee Print)
7.     S. 3110 (Tillis) Identifying Barriers and Best Practices Study Act of 2019
8.     S. 123 (Ernst/Boozman) Ensuring Quality Care for Our Veterans Act
9.     S. 450 (Gardner) Veterans Improved Access and Care Act of 2019 (Committee Print)
10.  S. 3182 (Sullivan/Blumenthal) Helping Expand and Launch Transitional Health for Women Veterans Act
11.  Grant Jaquith, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims


S.785 (Tester/Moran) Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019 (Committee Print)

S.2336 (Tester/Blackburn) Department of Veterans Affairs Information Technology Reform Act

S.2864 (Sinema/Tillis/Blackburn) Sergeant Daniel Somers Veterans Network Support Act of 2019 (Committee Print)

S.524 (Tester/Sullivan/Sinema/Cramer) Department of Veterans Affairs Tribal Advisory Committee Act of 2019

S.2594 (Sullivan) Veterans’ Preference Parity Act

S.850 (Sullivan) Highly Rural Veteran Transportation Program Extension Act (Committee Print)

S.3110 (Tillis) Identifying Barriers and Best Practices Study Act of 2019

S.123 (Ernst/Boozman) Ensuring Quality Care for Our Veterans Act

S.450 (Gardner) Veterans Improved Access and Care Act of 2019 (Committee Print)

S.3182 (Sullivan/Blumenthal) Helping Expand and Launch Transitional Health for Women Veterans Act

Murray Amendment 1 Newborns 2nd Degree Update 

Manchin Amendment 2 Ridesharing Assessment 

Tester Amendment 9 Sec 201 Final    

Cramer Amendment 24 HBOT Funding