American Legion Awards Tester its Distinguished Public Service Award

(U.S. Senate) – The American Legion today recognized U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s ongoing work as Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

The American Legion’s Distinguished Public Service Award is awarded annually to an elected official who has established an outstanding record in support of America’s veterans and their families.

“The American Legion supports veterans in Montana and in communities across our nation by making sure they can navigate the VA system to get the care and benefits they earned,” said Tester. “I rely on the American Legion’s advocacy to craft bipartisan reforms and hold the VA accountable to our veterans. I’m honored to receive this recognition and I look forward to a strong partnership in the future.”

As Ranking Member, Tester has been a relentless advocate for Montana veterans. In the last two years, Tester authored major bipartisan VA reform bills to streamline the disability appeals process, strengthen the G.I. Bill for generations to come, and pass an overhaul of VA community health care.

The Distinguished Public Service Award is awarded “in recognition of your distinguished public service career and commitment to the welfare of America’s veterans and their families, by ensuring maintenance of a strong and robust VA, supporting education programs to improve America’s workforce, and safeguarding the benefits our country’s heroes have earned.” Previous recipients include Senators John McCain, Daniel Akaka, and Jim Webb.

Earlier this week, Tester joined Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) and House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-Calif.) and Phil Roe (R-Tenn.) for a Fireside Chat at the American Legion’s National Convention. Moderated by Military Times reporter Leo Shane, the Members discussed their bipartisan collaboration over the last two years and ongoing challenges and opportunities for the VA and veterans.

Photos of Tester receiving the Distinguished Public Service Award can be found online HERE, courtesy of Schelly Stone and the American Legion. Fireside Chat photos can be found HERE, courtesy of Lucas Carter and the American Legion, and video can be found HERE.