Tester Opening Statement on Nomination Hearing of John Lowry

(U.S. Senate) – Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Jon Tester today screened John Lowry, nominee to be Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans’ Employment and Training.

The following is Tester’s opening statement, as prepared for delivery:

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Lowry, thank you for being here and for your willingness to serve.  

The Jobs for Veterans State Grant Program is not working as well as it could be in Montana.  There are simply too few staff available to cover all veterans who need help. 

And Montana veterans aren’t the only ones struggling with getting the services they need to find meaningful employment.  Many veterans who reside in rural areas face the same challenges.

If you’re confirmed, I want to know whether you believe we need to modify the criteria used to deploy grant dollars to take into account a state’s special circumstances.

Mr. Lowry, as Assistant Secretary, you will be tasked with meeting the unique employment needs of different cohorts of veterans.

For example, issues faced by Native American veterans are not widely understood. 

Under your leadership, I will want to know how DOL VETS can better support veterans who are Native American, women, or others who face barriers to employment.

Additionally, I want your commitment to end veterans’ homelessness by providing the necessary tools and resources through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program. 

I’m sure you would agree that these veterans need a path toward meaningful employment and financial security. 

All of this is directly related to a servicemember’s transition to civilian life.

It’s important that I can count on you to understand how employment, housing, family support, and dozens of other factors come together during the transition process.

I would also like to highlight family support.  Military spouses sacrifice right alongside service members and their ability to succeed in the workforce is a key component of a family’s successful transition.

Mr. Lowry, it is my sincere hope that your business experience can help DOL VETS better understand what employers look for, and how we get our transitioning service members and veterans to a place where they’re at the top of any hiring official’s offer list.

I look forward to our discussion today, and thank you for your willingness to serve.