Tester Sends Two Important Veteran Nominees to Senate Floor

(U.S. Senate) – Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Jon Tester today voted to move two nominees forward who will be responsible for filling critical workforce vacancies at the VA and determining veterans’ benefits.

Tester and the entire Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee unanimously voted in favor of the following nominees, who now await a final confirmation vote from the full Senate:

  • Paul Lawrence, nominee to be VA Under Secretary for Benefits.
  • Joseph Falvey, nominee to be a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

“The VA needs strong leaders who will stand up for veterans against special interests that want to limit benefits through privatization,” said Tester. “And we need experienced folks at the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims who will build off the court’s successes and get veterans answers on their claims faster. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Falvey know that millions of veterans and their families are counting on them to deliver on the promises our nation made to those who served and I’ll be holding them accountable to those brave men and women.”

Since taking over as Ranking Member of the Committee, Tester has supported all 12 nominees selected by President Trump to better deliver health care and benefits to the nation’s nearly 22 million veterans.

More information about each nominee can be found online HERE.