Tester Opening Statement on Hearing on DAV 2018 Legislative Priorities

(U.S. Senate) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester, Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today oversaw a joint hearing of the Senate and House Committees to hear the 2018 legislative priorities of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV).   

The following is Tester’s opening statement, as prepared for delivery:

Good afternoon everyone. Commander Metcalf-Foster, I’m honored to have you and your leadership team with us today. 

You are very well-served by your legislative service folks here in Washington.  I can’t tell you how much my staff and I rely on their advice and perspective.

I’d like to recognize Joe Parsetich, the 4th Junior Vice Commander, and Eric Wells, State Commander, who hail from my home state of Montana.  Joe and Eric, thank you for all the work you do on behalf of veterans in Montana and nationwide. 

We’re here because Congress should take its cues from you.  

DAV members utilize VA health care and are beneficiaries of its programs every single day. 

You know better than any of us and better than anyone over in White House how VA is performing nationwide and the improvements that should be made on behalf of veterans and their families.

We hold these hearings because only VSOs can help Congress focus on what veterans needs and how to make sure VA is equipped to deliver on those needs.  That means taking cues from you on how to:

  • Consolidate VA’s community care programs and allow eligibility for private sector care in a way that makes sense;
  • Provide women veterans with the care and services they need;
  • And improve caregiver services for veterans.

On that first point, Chairman Isakson and I are working hard to pass legislation that would consolidate and streamline VA’s community care programs.  It passed our Committee 14-1 and has the strong support of all the VSOs, including DAV.

But as we have seen play out in the media – there are outside forces with political agendas - working against us.

I am frustrated that the dysfunction in the Administration is now bleeding over to VA.  Veterans deserve better than that.

You deserve a Congress and VA who are working in your best interests because they are listening to you – listening to what you need, what is working and, importantly, what is not working for veterans.

I am here to listen to you. And I won’t let those beholden to special interests to get away with a dangerous agenda that serves them and their financial benefactors, and not veterans.

Commander, as you mention in your written testimony, the Caring for Our Veterans Act represents a true compromise.

It is the very best we could do while dealing with different priorities among our members, the views of the Administration, and those outside forces that are working against us.

I am pleased that DAV believes that the Senate bill is the best approach in meeting veterans’ needs.

Chairman Isakson and I worked hard to get us to this point and I am hopeful that we will be able to bring this important legislation to the Senate Floor soon.         

Commander, again welcome – and thank you for all that you and your organization does on behalf of disabled veterans and their families.