ICYMI: Tester Takes to Senate Floor to Highlight Bipartisan Victories for Montana Veterans

(Big Sandy, Mont.) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester took to the Senate floor to highlight the numerous bipartisan bills that he recently ushered through Congress.

The Senate unanimously passed four of Tester’s bipartisan bills last week. Two of Tester’s bills are now sitting on President Donald Trump’s desk waiting to be signed into law.

“Taking care of our veterans is a cost of war and we need to live up to the promises that this country made to those folks when they signed up,” said Tester, Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “We’ve done some good work for veterans and we need to continue on that path.  It's about working together, it's about finding common ground. Chairman Isakson and I have done that, and we are going to continue to do that.” 

During his floor speech, Tester highlighted the following bills he co-authored:

  • The VA Choice and Quality Employment Act will strengthen VA care, ensure the Choice Program doesn’t run out of funds and allow the VA to move into a much larger clinic in Missoula. This bill has been presented to President Donald Trump and is awaiting his signature.
  • The Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act will overhaul the broken disability benefits appeals system. This bill is heading to the House of Representatives for consideration and is expected to head to President Trump’s desk soon.
  • The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Education Assistance Act will break down barriers to an education and invest in the future of those who have served.  This bill has been presented to President Donald Trump and is awaiting his signature.

“The Veterans’ Affairs Committee is a prime example of people working together,” continued Tester. “We’ve set aside our differences, listened to the Veterans Service Organizations and worked with Secretary Shulkin. We have been transparent and honest when we’ve disagreed. We haven't embarrassed one another.” 

The Senate also unanimously passed Tester’s bipartisan legislation to name three VA facilities after Montana heroes who served during World War II. A companion bill will be introduced in the House of Representatives and is expected to be taken up in September.

“Quite frankly, this is the way it can work in the Senate when we start from a point of agreement rather than disagreement. And what has happened?  We’ve gotten two bills already signed into law,” said Tester.

The Senate also unanimously approved six of President Trump’s nominees to serve at the VA and as Judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.