Legislative Presentations of JWV, FRA, AFSA, MOPH, AXPOW, BVA, TREA, MOAA and IAVA
March 22, 2017
10:00 AM
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COL Carl A. Singer, USA Retired, National Commander, Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
Mr. Donald Larson, National President, Fleet Reserve Association
Mr. Mark Stevenson, Chief Operating Officer, Air Force Sergeants Association
Mr. Hershel Gober, National Commander, Military Order of the Purple Heart
Mr. Charles Susino, Jr., National Commander, American Ex-Prisoners of War Organization
Mr. Dale Stamper, National President, Blinded Veterans Association
Mr. John I. Adams, National President, The Retired Enlisted Association
Ms. Aniela Szymanski, Government Relations Director for Veterans Benefits, Military Officers Association of America
Ms. Allison Jaslow, Chief of Staff, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
COL Carl A. Singer
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of AmericaDownload File (297.68 KB) -
Mr. John I. Adams
The Retired Enlisted AssociationDownload File (278.55 KB) -
Ms. Allison Jaslow
Executive DirectorIraq and Afghanistan Veterans of AmericaDownload File (183.13 KB) -
Mr. Charles Susino, Jr.
American Ex-Prisoners of WarDownload File (324.78 KB) -
Mr. Mark Stevenson
Air Force Sergeants AssociationDownload File (112.20 KB) -
Mr. Dale Stamper
Blinded Veterans AssociationDownload File (512.88 KB) -
Mr. Hershel Gober
Military Order of the Purple HeartDownload File (420.12 KB) -
Mr. Donald Larson
Fleet Reserve AssociationDownload File (100.03 KB) -
Ms. Aniela Szysmanski
Military Officers Association of AmericaDownload File (197.74 KB)