Heller, Tester Work to Stop Unfair Offset for Military Retirees

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senators Dean Heller (R-NV) and Jon Tester (D-MT) issued the following statements after recently introducing bipartisan legislation, the Retired Pay Restoration Act, S.66, to stop an unfair offset to many veterans’ retirement pay:

“Many military retirees in Nevada, and across the country, face an unfair offset of their retired pay and their veterans’ disability compensation. As a result, these heroes who dedicated 20 or more years of their life to defending America are not receiving their full benefits of service that they have rightfully earned. The current system reduces retirement pay by offsetting it against any disability compensation received by the veteran. I believe this is an unfair offset for injuries suffered during service. That is why our bipartisan legislation would eliminate the offset and ensure that every veteran can concurrently receive their retired pay and veterans’ disability compensation. I’d like to thank Senator Tester for joining me to rectify this situation,” said U.S. Senator Dean Heller.

“It’s unacceptable that any veteran with disabilities is denied full pension and benefits. Our bipartisan bill will update a complicated and outdated law that negatively impacts veterans who have sacrificed the most for their country. It is high time that the VA provide veterans with the full pension and disability benefits they deserve,” said U.S. Senator Jon Tester.


Currently, over 450,000 military retirees face a dollar-for-dollar offset on their military retirement pay based on their Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation.  This legislation would allow the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans’ disability compensation. Current law only allows concurrent receipt of both benefits if the veteran has more than a 50 percent service-connected disability.

This legislation has the support of several national Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs), including the American Legion, the Military Officers Association of America, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.