Blumenthal Statement Regarding CMS Decision Not to Proceed with Plan that Would Have Denied Veterans, Amputees Access to Advanced Prosthetics

(Washington, DC) –U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, issued a statement today following the announcement by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that it would not finalize a draft proposal that would have limited access to advanced prosthetics for veterans and amputees nationwide:

I’m pleased that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services heeded the overwhelming outcry from veterans and disability advocates who loudly and laudably fought this deeply misguided bureaucratic proposal. Pencil-pushing billing policies should never stop disabled veterans and others who rely on modern prosthetics from recovering their mobility and reaching their full physical potential. In fighting this proposal, I heard from veterans and advocates from across Connecticut and nationwide about the life-saving and life-changing impact that access to advanced prosthetics can have. For our disabled veterans who served and sacrificed in combat on our behalf, our nation owes it to them to expand, not limit, access to this technology‎,” Blumenthal said.

In a letter to CMS last month, Blumenthal asked that the proposal be rescinded, citing its harmful impact on disabled veterans.
