VA Benefits Equality

WASHINGTON, June 26 – Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today welcomed a Supreme Court ruling on federal benefits for married same-sex couples and urged the Department of Veterans Affairs to implement the decision and provide equal treatment for the spouses and children of all veterans.


“I welcome today’s decision that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act. The ruling means that all men and women who served our country and their families must be treated fairly and equally,” Sanders said. “I expect the Department of Veterans Affairs to honor the ruling by honoring all of our nation’s veterans and their spouses and children.”  


Pending before the veterans’ committee is legislation by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), the Charlie Morgan Military Spouses Equal Treatment Act of 2013 “The Veterans’ Affairs Committee will take up this legislation next month if VA cannot implement the Supreme Court’s decision without congressional action,” Sanders said.