Pending Benefits Legislation


S. 6 (Reid) - Putting Our Veterans Back to Work Act of 2013

S. 200 (Murkowski) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the interment in national cemeteries under the control of the National Cemetery Administration of individuals who served in combat support of the Armed forces in the Kingdom of Laos between February 28, 1961, and May 15, 1975, and for other purposes.

S. 257 (Boozman) - GI Bill Tuition Fairness Act of 2013

S. 262 (Durbin) - Veterans Education Equity Act of 2013

S. 294 (Tester) - Ruth Moore Act of 2013

S. 373 (Shaheen) - Charlie Morgan Military Spouses Equal Treatment Act of 2013

S. 430 (Heller) - Veterans Small Business Opportunity and Protection Act of 2013 

S. 492 (Burr) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to require States to recognize the military experience of veterans when issuing licenses and credentials to veterans, and for other purposes. 

S. 495 (Burr) - Careers for Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 514 (Brown) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide additional educational assistance under Post-9/11 Educational Assistance to veterans pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, math, or an area that leads to employment in a high-demand occupation, and for other purposes. 

S. 515 (Brown) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend the Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program to cover recipients of Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry scholarship, and for other purposes. 

S. 572 (Burr) - Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act 

S. 629 (Pryor) - Honor America’s Guard-Reserve Retirees Act of 2013 

S. 674 (Heller) - Accountability for Veterans Act of 2013      

S. 690 (Schatz) - Filipino Veterans Fairness Act of 2013 

S. 695 (Boozman) - Veterans Paralympic Act of 2013 

S. 705 (Burr) - War Memorial Protection Act of 2013 

S. 735 (Sanders) - Survivor Benefits Improvement Act of 2013  

S. 748 (Wyden) - Veterans Pension Protection Act 

S. 778 (Burr) - A bill to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to issue cards to veterans that identify them as veterans, and for other purposes.                              

S. 819 (Burr) - Veterans Mental Health Treatment First Act of 2013                                          

S. 863 (Blumenthal) - Veterans Back to School Act of 2013 

S. 868 (Heller) - Filipino Veterans Promise Act 

S. 889 (Boozman) - Servicemembers’ Choice in Transition Act of 2013 

S. 893 (Sanders)  - Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013 

S. 894 (Sanders) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend expiring authority for work-study allowances for individuals who are pursuing programs of rehabilitation, education, or training under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to expand such authority to certain outreach services provided through congressional offices, and for other purposes. 

S. 922 (Sanders) - Veterans Equipped for Success Act of 2013 

S. 927 (Sanders) - Veterans’ Outreach Act of 2013    

S. 928 (Sanders) - Claims Processing Improvement Act of 2013 

S. 930 (Bennet) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in cases of overpayments of educational assistance under Post-9/11 Educational Assistance, to deduct amounts for repayment from the last months of educational assistance entitlement, and for other purposes.  

S. 932 (Begich) - Putting Veterans Funding First Act of 2013 

S. 935 (Franken) - Quicker Veterans Benefits Delivery Act of 2013 

S. 938 (Moran) - Franchise Education for Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 939 (Blumenthal) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to treat certain misfiled documents as motions for reconsideration of decisions by the Board of Veterans’ Appeals, and for other purposes. 

S. 944 (Sanders) - Veterans’ Educational Transition Act of 2013 

S. 1039 (Merkley) - Spouses of Heroes Education Act 

S. 1042 (Shaheen) - Veterans Legal Support Act of 2013 

S. 1058 (Heller) - Creating a Reliable Environment for Veterans’ Dependents Act

Member Statements


  • Richard Hipolit

    Assistant General Counsel
  • Mr. Curtis L. Coy

    Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity, Veterans Benefits Administration,
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Download File (169.37 KB)
  • Mr. Ryan Gallucci

    Deputy Director, National Legislative Service
    Veterans of Foreign Wars
    Download File (82.18 KB)
  • Ian de Planque

    Legislative Director
    The American Legion
    Download File (174.42 KB)
  • Mr. Jeffrey Hall

    Assistant National Legislative Director
    Disabled American Veterans
    Download File (92.48 KB)
  • Thomas Murphy

    Compensation Service
  • Colonel Robert F. Norton, USA (Ret.)

    Deputy Director, Government Relations
    Military Officers Association of America
    Download File (106.88 KB)
  • John Brizzi

    Deputy Assistant General Counsel