Pending Health Care Legislation


S. 49 (Shaheen) - Veterans Health Equity Act of 2013 

S. 62 (Boxer) - Check the Box for Homeless Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 131 (Murray) - Woman Veterans and Other Health Care Improvements Act of 2013 

S. 229 (Toomey) - Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Act of 2013 

S. 287 (Begich) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to expand the definition of homeless veteran for purposes of benefits under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. 

S. 325 (Tester) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to increase the maximum age for children eligible for medical care under the CHAMPVA program, and for other purposes. 

S. 412 (Landrieu) - Keep Our Commitment to Veterans Act 

S. 422 (Blumenthal) - Chiropractic Care Available to All Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 455 (Tester) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to transport individuals to and from facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs in connection with rehabilitation, counseling, examination, treatment, and care, and for other purposes. 

S. 522 (Durbin) - Wounded Warrior Workforce Enhancement Act 

S. 529 (Burr) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the commencement date of the period of service at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, for eligibility for hospital care and medical services in connection with exposure to contaminated water, and for other purposes. 

S. 543 (Burr) - VISN Reorganization Act of 2013 

S. 633 (Tester) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for coverage under the beneficiary travel program of the Department of Veterans Affairs of certain disabled veterans for travel in connection with certain special disabilities rehabilitation, and for other purposes. 

S. 800 (Cornyn) - Tetro Garza Far South Texas Veterans Inpatient Act of 2013 

S. 825 (Sanders) - Homeless Veterans Prevention Act of 2013 

S. 832 (Donnelly) - Improving the Lives of Children with Spina Bifida Act of 2013 

S. 845 (Tester) - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Professionals Educational Assistance Program and for other purposes 

S. 851 (Sanders) - Caregiver Expansion and Improvement Act of 2013 

S. 852 (Sanders) - Veterans Health Promotion Act of 2013 

S.877 (Begich) - The Veterans Affairs Research Transparency Act of 2013

Member Statements

  • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

    Download File (35.52 KB)
  • Senator Richard Burr (R-NC)


  • Ms. Heather Ansley, Esq., MSW

    Vice President for Veterans Policy
    Download File (197.58 KB)
  • Mr. Rick Weidman

    Executive Director for Policy and Government Affairs
    Vietnam Veterans of America
    Download File (121.80 KB)
  • Honorable Robert L. Jesse, MD, PhD

    Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health, Veterans Health Administration
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Download File (71.56 KB)
  • Mr. Thomas Bowman

    Former Chief of Staff
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Download File (432.41 KB)
  • Dr. Wayne B. Jonas, MD

    President and Chief Executive Officer
    Samueli Institute
    Download File (146.42 KB)
  • Mr. Matt Gornick

    Policy Director
    National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
    Download File (38.27 KB)
  • Susan Blauert

    Deputy Assistant General Counsel