Senator Burr's Statement on Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a time when we look back and reflect on the service and sacrifice of our nation’s service-members and veterans. These individuals selflessly give of themselves to defend our freedoms, and we are constantly humbled by their strength and courage. While we may never repay the debt borne by those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, we must never waiver in our commitment to honor their memory by caring for those who continue the fight.

Those who have returned from war are forever changed by their experiences. Some return with serious physical injuries, others return with severe invisible wounds, and many continue struggle to reintegrate back into their communities. Veterans Day is an important reminder that much remains to be done on behalf of the warriors who need more than our passing sentiments and our good intentions. We must remind ourselves that their survival and success is not assured, and their toughest days of rehabilitation and re-integration often lie ahead.
This Veterans Day, we honor “you” our veterans and service men and women who are currently serving around the world. May God bless you and your family and may God bless America.