Pending Health Care and Benefits Legislation


S. 875 (Casey)  Department of Veterans Affairs Disease Reporting and Oversight Act of 2013

S. 1148 (Heinrich)  Veterans Benefits Claims Faster Filing Act

S. 1155 (Tester)  Rural Veterans Mental Health Care improvement Act 

S. 1165 (Tester)  Access to Appropriate Immunizations for Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 1211 (Boxer)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit the use of the phrases

GI Bill and Post 9/11 GI Bill to give a false impression of approval or endorsement by the

Department of Veterans Affairs. 

S. 1216 (Bennet)  Improving Job Opportunities for Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 1262 (Nelson)  Veterans Conservation Corps Act of 2013 

S. 1281(Blumenthal)  Veterans and Servicemembers Employment Rights and Housing Act of


S. 1295 (Brown)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to require the Secretary of

Veterans Affairs to provide  veterans with notice, when veterans electronically file claims for

benefits under laws administered by the Secretary, that relevant services may be available from

veterans service organization, and for other purposes. 

S. 1296 (Nelson)  Servicemember’s Electronic Health Records Act of 2013 

S. 1361 (Murphy)  World War II Merchant Mariner Service Act 

S. 1399 (Durbin)  A bill to amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to extend the interest rate

limitation on debt entered into during military service to debt incurred during military service to

consolidate or refinance students loans incurred before military service. 

S. 1411 (Franken)  Rural Veterans Health Care Improvement Act of 2013 

S. 1434 (Moran)  A bill to designate the Junction City Community-Based Outpatient Clinic

located at 715 Southwind Drive, Junction City, Kansas, as the Lieutenant General Richard J.

Seitz Community-Based Outpatient Clinic. 

S. 1471 (Coats)  Alicia Dawn Koehl Respect for National Cemeteries Act 

S. 1540 (Brown)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to include contracts and grants for

residential care for veterans in the exception to the requirement that the Federal Government

recover a portion of the value of certain projects 

S. 1547 (Burr)  A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to review the dialysis pilot

program implemented by the Department of Veterans Affairs and submit a report to Congress

before expanding that program, and for other purposes. 

S. 1556 (Brown)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to modify authorities relating to

the collective bargain of employees in the Health Administration. 

S. 1558 (Begich)  A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a program of

outreach for veterans, and for other purposes. 

S. 1559 (Durbin)  Benefits Fairness for Filipino Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 1573 (Tester)  Military Family Relief Act 

S. 1576 (Nelson)  A bill to redesignate the Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System

located at 10000 Bay Pines Boulevard in Bay Pines, Florida, as the “C.W. Bill Young

Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center”. 

S. 1578 (Sanders)  Medical Foster Home Act of 2013 

S. 1579 (Sanders)  SCRA Enhancement and Improvement Act of 2013 

S. 1580 (Begich)  Ensuring Safe Shelter for Homeless Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 1581 (Sanders)  Survivors of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013 

S. 1582 (Sanders)  Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013 

S. 1583 (Sanders)  Mental Health Support for Veteran Families and Caregivers Act of 2013

S. 1584 (Sanders)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide replacement

automobiles for certain disabled veterans and members of the Armed Forces, and for other


S. 1585 (Sanders)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to update the Service-Disabled

Insurance program to base premiums rates on the Commissioners 2001 Standard Ordinary

Mortality table instead of the Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table of Mortality. 

S. 1586 (Sanders)  Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013 

S. 1588 (Hirono)  A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to expand eligibility for

reimbursement for emergency medical treatment to certain veterans that were unable to receive

care from the Department of Veterans Affairs in the 24-month period preceding the furnishing of

such emergency treatment. 

S. 1589 (Burr)   A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to require the Secretary of Veterans

Affairs to ensure the Department of Veterans Affairs has an up-to date policy on reporting of

cases of infectious diseases, to require an independent assessment of the organizational structure

of the Veterans Integrated Service Networks and Department medical centers, and for other


S. 1593 (Reed)  Servicemember Housing Protection Act of 2013 

S. 1602 (Blumenthal)  A bill to establish in the Department of Veterans Affairs a national center

for the diagnosis, treatment, and research of health conditions of the descendants of veterans

exposed to toxic substances during service in the Armed Forces, to provide certain services to

those descendants, and for other purposes. 

S. 1604 (Sanders)  Veterans Health Care Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013

Member Statements


  • Colonel Robert F. Norton

    Deputy Director, Government Relations
    Military Officers Association of America
    Download File (104.17 KB)
  • Rick Weidman

    Executive Director
    Vietnam Veterans of America
    Download File (109.94 KB)
  • Mr. Adrian Atizado

    Assistant National Legislative Director
    Disabled American Veterans
    Download File (132.67 KB)
  • Mr. David R. McLenachen

    Director, Pension and Fiduciary Service, Veterans Benefits Administration
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Download File (80.32 KB)
  • Dr. Robert L. Jesse

    Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Download File (80.32 KB)