Sen. Burr Offers Thanks to D-Day Veterans

Washington D.C
– Today, Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, recognized  the 67th anniversary of the D-Day invasion when Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy.  These operations marked a turning point in World War Two and ultimately led to the end of German occupation across much of Europe. 


Sen. Richard Burr offered the following statement:

“On June 6, 1944, tens of thousands of Americans and allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy and fought the battles that liberated France.  The sacrifices that those men and women made on D-Day and in the campaign that followed changed the course of history. 

“Today, we remember those whose lives were lost during that invasion and we honor those who survived.  Please take a minute to thank a veteran that you know for his or her service to our country.  They willingly and unselfishly put their lives on the line to protect our country and our freedom.   

“The legacy of the Greatest Generation has inspired and sustained the young men and women currently serving our country abroad.  Today we also remember we still have work to do on behalf of all of our veterans who return home from the battlefield.  We must remain unwavering in our commitment to provide for those who were fortunate enough to come home and who now face their own challenges as they continue to contribute to the success of this great nation.”

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