Burr Bill Holds VA Accountable for Money Saved through Competitive Bidding

Washington D.C.
– U.S. Senator Richard Burr, Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, today introduced a bill that holds the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accountable for funds saved through competitive bidding for major VA medical facilities. The legislation mandates that VA obtain congressional approval to expand the scope of a previously authorized project if it wishes to use funds saved as a result of a favorable bidding environment.


“This is common sense and fair legislation that will apply any bid savings toward projects that are already on the waiting list,” said Senator Burr. “Congress can help VA maximize the use of the limited funding available for construction projects by properly allocating them where they are most needed.”


Senator Burr has previously implemented oversight over these unobligated funds. Last year, he offered an amendment to the Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-275) that would require VA to use any savings realized by a favorable bid climate to only be obligated for major medical facilities authorized in that fiscal year or the previous fiscal year.

