Sen. Burr Honors Vietnam Veterans Today

Washington D.C –Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, today honored “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day” today with the following remarks: 

“While we cannot right the wrong done to the men and women returning from Vietnam, today we have an opportunity to recognize their service and thank them for entering harm’s way.  While we remember the sacrifices these veterans made to preserve our freedom, we also honor the ultimate sacrifice made by their fallen comrades.  Thank you to all of those who served in Vietnam, and belated welcome home.

“American servicemen and women in Vietnam took a strong stand against a very powerful and very real threat of communism.  What they accomplished has made an enormous impact on the world today – a world where people are fighting to secure and protect democracy in their own countries.  

“I encourage Americans across the country to take time today to honor the Vietnam veterans among our friends, family, and communities. What happened during the Vietnam War is a powerful reminder that we must continue to respect and welcome home American troops returning from war today. Never again should the nation disregard and denigrate a generation of veterans.”

Senator Burr introduced the resolution to designate March 30th as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day” for the second consecutive year.  To read the resolution, click here. Veterans, veterans’ advocacy groups, local and state governments across the country are participating in this day by adopting similar resolutions and hosting events in their communities.

American forces officially withdrew from Vietnam on March 30th 1973, according to the terms of the Treaty of Paris.  American troops returned to a country divided in its opinions about the war.  In total, more than 58,000 members of the United States Armed Forces lost their lives and more than 300,000 were wounded in Vietnam. 

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