Senator Burr Re-elected as Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) announced that he has been elected to serve as Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs by his fellow Republican committee members, a vote that was approved and ratified by the Senate Republican Conference.  Senator Burr has served as the top Republican on the Committee since 2007.


"As the Senator from a state that more than 765,000 veterans call home, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve as the Ranking Member of this committee. We must continue to pursue sound policies that address the evolving needs of our veterans and their families while also making sure that we are getting maximum results from programs already in place.  I look forward to working with the new Committee Chairman, Senator Murray, and all the members of this Committee to address these complex, but vital issues," said Senator Burr.


Throughout the 111th Congress, Senator Burr worked closely with committee members to pass legislation to strengthen health services, improve education benefits, identify and correct mismanagement at Arlington Cemetery, and protect veterans' due process, among others. Congress also passed unprecedented legislation that allows family members of seriously injured veterans to serve as their primary caregiver.