WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today The Military Coalition (TMC) presented U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) with one of its highest awards in recognition of his leadership on behalf of veterans and their families, especially his role in passing the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act.  Akaka received the 2010 Award of Merit at the Reserve Officers Association Building on Capitol Hill.

“I thank The Military Coalition for this honor, and for their service to veterans.  I look forward to continuing our shared work on behalf of America’s troops and veterans, as well as the families who support them,” said Akaka, Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. 

“Senator Akaka has taken the lead on almost every aspect of veterans’ benefit improvements this year.  We’re especially grateful for his leadership in winning compensation and health coverage for caregivers, many of whom have had to sacrifice their jobs and homes to provide full-time care for a wounded loved one,” said Joseph Barnes, TMC Co-Chair and National Executive Director of the Fleet Reserve Association.

The Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act was signed into law by President Obama on May 5, 2010.  The law includes provisions to establish an unprecedented permanent program to support the caregivers of wounded warriors, improve health care for veterans in rural areas, help VA adapt to the needs of women veterans, and expand support services for homeless veterans.

The Military Coalition represents the interests of more than six million members around the world, including active duty, National Guard, Reserve, and retired members and veterans, as well as their families.  For more about TMC, click here:


September 29, 2010