President Obama Signs Veterans Caregiver Bill Into Law


WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, President Obama signed the Caregiver and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 into law. Senator Burr attended the signing ceremony at the White House Rose Garden this afternoon, after which he made the following statement:


 “The signing of the Caregivers bill today marks the final step in a long process.  I’ve been privileged to work with a number of individuals whose persistence and optimism have inspired a bill that will enable our severely-wounded veterans to receive the quality attention and care they deserve.”

The Caregiver and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 establishes new assistance for the family caregivers of seriously disabled veterans, including training and certification required to meet the veteran’s needs, access to ongoing support services, counseling and mental health services, respite care, medical care, and a monthly personal caregiver allowance. 

Senator Burr, Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, offered critical provisions that direct Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish a pilot dental insurance program for veterans. The Burr provision is modeled after the successful dental insurance program that exists for retired TRICARE beneficiaries.


The bill would also enhance health care for women veterans, delivery of health care for veterans living in rural areas, access to mental health care for veterans and certain servicemembers, and would make improvements in homeless programs.