WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) held a hearing today to review pending veterans’ benefits and health care legislation.  The Committee questioned witnesses and reviewed 20 bills in preparation for later legislative action.

“The bills before us represent a sincere effort to improve the care and benefits veterans receive.  I will work with my colleagues on developing a package of legislation that can move forward,” said Akaka. 

The Committee heard from the Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Labor (DOL), as well as representatives from leading veterans service organizations, on legislation to improve veteran employment, telehealth services, and VA outreach. Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training Ray Jefferson described several veterans’ employment initiatives currently underway at DOL.  The Committee also reviewed four technical bills Akaka introduced to help veterans and their survivors, based on Committee oversight of the VA disability compensation system. 

Chairman Akaka’s full statement, as well as written testimony from today’s witnesses, and a webcast, is available at veterans.senate.gov.  To view the agenda, including a list of the bills reviewed today, please click here: LINK.


May 19, 2010