WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, applauded President Barack Obama’s proposal to significantly increase funding for veterans’ programs in the next fiscal year. 

“The President’s budget for the year ahead would continue the historic increases Congress has provided for veterans’ programs in the past few years.  I am pleased by the proposed boost in resources to battle the backlog of disability claims, reduce homelessness, and treat the signature wounds of the current conflicts,” said Akaka.

Overall, President Obama requested $125 billion for VA for Fiscal Year 2011.  This is an increase of nearly $11 billion from the previous fiscal year, including a $4 billion increase in VA’s medical care account.  The President’s budget would provide funds to increase the number of Veterans Benefits Administration staff by more than 4,000 above last year’s level.

The President’s proposed budget includes $410 million in additional funding for mental health care, $597 million more than FY10 for the care of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, $294 million more to reduce and prevent veteran homelessness, and $19 million more for women veterans.

For more budget information from the White House, click here: LINK.


February 1, 2010