WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii), Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, held an oversight hearing today on the status and future of VA’s Information Technology (IT). 

“Information technology plays a critical role in all that VA does, from delivering benefits to veterans’ health care records,” said Chairman Akaka.  “VA’s use of information technology has been marked by successes and failures.  When it was first created VA’s electronic health record was on the cutting edge, and I have faith that under the current leadership, VA’s use of technology will continue to progress.”

The hearing related to both health and claims processing information technology systems, and looked specifically at how aspects of IT have impacted GI Bill recipients.  Witnesses at the hearing included top VA IT officials, a VA computer specialist, and a private sector authority on IT and electronic health records. 

More information about the hearing, including statements, testimony and the webcast, is available here:


October 6, 2010