Markup: Pending legislation, and vote on the nomination of Raul Perea-Henze to be an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Policy and Planning


I)  Nomination of Raul Perea-Henze, M.D., to be Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning,  Department of Veterans Affairs

II)        S. 1237 (Committee Print), Homeless Veterans and Other Health Care Authorities Act of 2010.  To improve the provision of assistance to homeless veterans and the provision of health care to veterans, and for other purposes

III) An original bill -- S. ____ (Committee Print), Examination of Exposures to Environmental Hazards During Military Service and Health Care for Camp Lejeune and Atsugi Naval Air Facility Veterans and Their Families Act of 2010.  To authorize health care for certain individuals exposed to environmental hazards at Camp Lejeune and the Atsugi Naval Air Facility, to establish an advisory board to examine exposures to environmental hazards during military service, and for other purposes

Member Statements