WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii), Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, held a hearing today on improving veterans’ employment support and opportunities.

“High unemployment rates have led to difficult times for many Americans, especially veterans returning from overseas service.  The economy has been especially challenging for veterans whose service-connected disabilities impair their ability to secure and maintain meaningful jobs,” said Akaka.  “I will continue to work with my colleagues and advocates to help veterans find and maintain rewarding jobs.”

Witnesses at today’s hearing included Ray Jefferson, the Department of Labor’s Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training; a former Navy SEAL and Nobel Laureate; a representative from Microsoft; and veterans who spoke from first-hand experience.  Chairman Akaka and witnesses’ opening statements are available here

For more information, visit veterans.senate.gov.


November 18, 2009