WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) joined President Barack Obama at the White House today as he signed the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act of 2009 into law.  The new law will provide timely, predictable funding for the Veterans Health Administration, the nation’s largest health care system, one-year ahead of the regular appropriations process.  Chairman Akaka sponsored the legislation in the Senate.

“Today we bring fundamental change to VA health care by replacing a dysfunctional process with a procedure for timely, predictable funding,” said Akaka.  “I thank the President for his support and give due credit to the veterans, servicemembers, families, and concerned citizens who came together to help us turn this great idea into law.  Hospital mangers will now be able to plan wisely for the year ahead, and I look forward to seeing VA’s resources go further for veterans and taxpayers.” 

Akaka introduced the measure in the Senate with the backing of leading veterans service organizations, shepherded the bill through the Committee, secured the backing of a majority of the Senate and negotiated the final version which was signed into law today.

The text of the new law is available here: LINK


Highlights of a press conference held when the bill was introduced in February is available here: LINK


October 22, 2009