WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) held a hearing today to review pending veterans’ benefits and health care legislation.  The Committee questioned witnesses and reviewed 22 bills in preparation for later legislative action.

“I am pleased with the support we have in Congress and among the public to improve the care and benefits veterans have earned by their service,” said Akaka.  “We will develop legislation based on the bills pending in Committee, while we continue to push for Congressional action on important veterans’ bills unanimously approved in the summer.  Two of those bills -- the Veterans Health Care Authorization Act and the Caregiver and Veterans Health Services Act  – are being blocked from Senate consideration by a single Senator.  Until the Senate is allowed to act, wounded warriors and their families will continue to be denied the much needed improvements those bills would provide.”

The 22 bills reviewed today included several which address veteran homelessness.  Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has highlighted this issue, calling for an end to homelessness among veterans. 

Chairman Akaka’s full statement, written testimony from today’s witnesses, and a webcast are available here: LINK.  The Committee markup has not yet been scheduled.  For more information, visit veterans.senate.gov


October 21, 2009