Burr Urges Swift Action on VA Nominee

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Richard Burr today urged his colleagues on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee to swiftly confirm Dr. James Peake to be U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA).  Dr. Peake was introduced at the hearing by former Senator Bob Dole and Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii).


"He didn't know it at the time, but Dr. Peake has been preparing to serve as Secretary of Veterans Affairs his entire life," Burr said.  "I believe we found a man to lead the VA who not only understands combat service, the needs of our injured military personnel and America's veterans, but a man who has spent the better part of his life taking care of servicemembers and their families.  I urge my colleagues on the committee to vote on this nomination as soon as possible," Burr added.


Peake is a 1966 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and began his career as an infantry officer. He served as a platoon leader in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division. For his efforts under fire, he was awarded the Silver Star, a Bronze Star with Valor and two Purple Hearts. After Vietnam, he attended Cornell University Medical College and became board certified in general and thoracic surgery.


In 2000, Dr. Peake was nominated as the 40th Surgeon General of the Army and as Commander of the United States Medical Command. In 2004, he joined Project Hope, a non-profit international health foundation with offices and programs in more than 30 different countries on five continents. He is currently the Chief Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer at QTC Management.


Click here to read Senator Burr's remarks in full.


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