Media contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9093


WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Richard Burr, the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, welcomes President Bush's nomination of Lieutenant General James B. Peake (Ret.) M.D. to serve as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.


"Dr. Peake's distinguished military and medical career makes him an excellent choice to lead the department tasked with the care of our nation's veterans.  He has dedicated his life to the wounded and his unique expertise will ensure our veterans receive the health care and other benefits they deserve," Burr said.


"This is a critical time for our veterans and I hope for swift consideration on the nomination of Dr. Peake.  I urge my Senate colleagues not to delay; our veterans need this position filled quickly," Burr added. 


Peake is a 1966 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and began his career as an infantry officer.  He served as a platoon leader in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division. For his efforts under fire, he was awarded the Silver Star, a Bronze Star with Valor and two Purple Hearts.  After Vietnam, he attended Cornell University Medical College and became board certified in general and thoracic surgery. 


In 2000, Dr. Peake was nominated as the 40th Surgeon General of the Army and as Commander of the United States Medical Command.  In 2004, he joined Project Hope, a non-profit international health foundation with offices and programs in more than 30 different countries on five continents.  He is currently the Chief Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer and Chief Medical Director at QTC Management where he serves with former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi.  QTC is currently the largest private provider of government-outsourced occupational health and disability examination services in the nation.

