Hearing on VA and DOD Collaboration: Report of the President's Commission on Care For America's Returning Wounded Warriors; Report of the Veterans Disability Benefit Commission; and other related reports

Member Statements


  • Lieutenant General James Terry Scott LTG USA (Retired)

    Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission
    Download File (52.11 KB)
  • Meredith Beck

    National Policy Director
    The Wounded Warrior Project
    Download File (39.47 KB)
  • Gerald T. Manar

    Deputy Director National Veterans Service
    Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. on Behalf of the Members of the Independent Budget
    Download File (57.65 KB)
  • Honorable Bob Dole

    President's Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors
    Download File (44.52 KB)
  • Colonel Steve Strobridge, USAF (Ret.)

    Director, Government Relations
    Military Officers Association of America
    Download File (63.17 KB)
  • Honorable Patrick W. Dunne Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy (ret)

    Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning
    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Download File (52.91 KB)
  • Ariana Del Negro

    Wife of 1LT Charles Gatlin
    Download File (61.90 KB)
  • Honorable Donna E. Shalala

    President's Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors
    Download File (43.47 KB)
  • Colonel (Ret.) Peter Duffy

    Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs
    National Guard Association of the United States
    Download File (36.69 KB)
  • Honorable Togo D. West, Jr.

    Co-Chair, Independent Review Group, Report on Rehabilitative Care and Administrative Processes at
    Walter Reed Army Medical Center and National Naval Medical Center
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