WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission, which was mandated by Congress, released an in-depth analysis of the benefits and services available to veterans, servicemembers, their survivors, and their families to compensate and provide assistance for the effects of disabilities and deaths attributable to military service. 

U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, issued the following statement today: 

"The Commission, relying on reports from outside experts and their own extended deliberations, has prepared a thoughtful, comprehensive report.  On initial review, it is clear that they recommend some fundamental changes to VA's compensation program.  Many of these changes may prove costly.  However, as I have stated time and time again, caring for veterans must be viewed as a continuing cost of war.  Our country's men and women deserve the best care and support possible from our government.  In the days and weeks to come, the Commission's recommendations will be thoroughly analyzed by the Committee on Veterans' Affairs," stated Akaka.

The Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs will be conducting a hearing on October 17, 2007, to take testimony on the findings from both the Veterans' Disability Benefit Commission and the President's Commission on Care For America's Returning Wounded Warriors.