SEN. LARRY CRAIG ENDORSED AS TOP REPUBLICAN ON VETERANS' COMMITTEE<br><i>Republicans pledge to work with Democrats in best interest of veterans</i></br>

January 8, 2006
Media contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9093

(Washington, DC) Republican members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs met Monday morning and unanimously voted to endorse U.S. Senator Larry Craig as the Ranking Member of the Committee. In that capacity Craig will lead Republican senators on issues involving the nation's 24.5 million veterans.

"Republicans remain as committed as ever to veterans. In the past six years we dramatically expanded coverage, increased benefits and worked to make things better for those who laid their lives on the line for their country. The challenge will be to continue that progress and meet the budgetary realities we all face," said Craig, who served as the Committee chairman for the past two years.

"The Republicans on the committee look forward to working together with our Democratic colleagues for the best interests of our nation's veterans."

In addition to Sen. Craig, Republican members of the Committee include: Senators Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania), Richard Burr (North Carolina), Johnny Isakson (Georgia), Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas), and John Ensign (Nevada).

The full committee will be led by U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii). Other Democrats on the committee include: Senators Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia), Patty Murray (Washington), Barack Obama (Illinois), Bernie Sanders (Vermont), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Jim Webb (Virginia) and Jon Tester (Montana).
