Markup of Pending Legislation


A. S. 2562 (Chairman Larry E. Craig), the "Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2006".

B.  S. 3421 (Chairman Larry E. Craig) A bill to authorize major medical facility projects and major medical facility leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal years 2006 and 2007

C. Committee Print of S. 2694 (Chairman Larry E. Craig), the "Veterans' Choice of Representation and Benefits Enhancement Act of 2006". 
The Committee Print contains the following provisions:
From S. 2694, as introduced:
? Attorney representation in veterans benefits cases before the Department of Veterans Affairs;
From S. 2659 (Ranking Member Daniel K. Akaka)
? Eligibility of Indian tribal organizations for grants for the establishment of veterans cemeteries on trust lands;
From S. 1759 (Chairman Larry E. Craig)
? Requiring the Secretary of the Army to remove the remains of Russell Wayne Wagner from Arlington National Cemetery;
From S. 3069 (Senator Christopher Dodd)
? Extending the provision of government grave markers;
From S. 2416 (Senator Conrad Burns)
? Expansion of education programs eligible for accelerated payment of educational assistance under the Montgomery GI Bill;
From S. 3363 (Senator Mike DeWine)
? Accelerated payment of survivors' and dependents' educational assistance for certain programs of education;
Original Provision (from Chairman Larry E. Craig)
? Extend reporting requirement on the operation of the Montgomery GI Bill program;
Original Provision (from Chairman Larry E. Craig)
? Reducing amounts available for State Approving Agencies in fiscal years 2010 through 2013 paid from VA's readjustment benefit account;
From S. 2121 (Senator Charles Schumer)
? Residential cooperative housing units;
From S. 1252 (Ranking Member Daniel K. Akaka)
? Supplemental insurance for totally disabled veterans;
Original Provision (from Chairman Larry E. Craig)
? Reauthorization for use of certain information from other agencies;
Original Provision (from Chairman Larry E. Craig)
? Clarification of correctional facilities covered by certain provisions of law.
From S. 1537 (Ranking Member Daniel K. Akaka)
? Establishment of Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence.
From S. 2634 (Chairman Larry E. Craig)
? Sections (a)(1) and (b)(1) of the bill pertaining to Term Limits for the Positions of Under Secretary for Health and Under Secretary for Benefits.
From S. 2762 (Ranking Member Daniel K. Akaka)
? Requirement for VA to pay full costs for certain service-connected veterans residing in state homes, provide medications for certain service-connected conditions to veterans residing in state homes, and create a limited authority for the Secretary to designate certain beds in non-state facilities as state homes for purposes of per diem payments
From S. 2433 (Senator Ken Salazar)
? A provision to create an Office of Rural Health in the Office of the Under Secretary for Health at the Department of Veterans Affairs. 
From S. 2753 (Ranking Member Daniel K. Akaka)
? A provision to authorize a pilot program to provide care-giver assistance and non-institutional care services.
From S. 3545 (Chairman Larry E. Craig, Ranking Member Akaka, Senators Burr and Obama)
? Improvements to services, housing, and assistance provided to homeless veterans.