CRAIG RECEIVES THANKS FROM TWO VETERANS GROUPS<br><i>He praises Blinded American Veterans Foundation and Wounded Warrior Project for their efforts</br></i>

June 15, 2006
Media contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9093

(Washington, DC) Two veterans organizations thanked U.S. Senator Larry Craig this week for his efforts to help veterans, and Craig, in turn, praised them for their efforts to help others.

"The Blinded American Veterans Foundation and the Wounded Warrior Project are out there providing real help to veterans. I am proud of what they have done and continue to do to help others who have served in the military, especially those who have faced serious trauma," Craig said.

On Tuesday Craig was presented with a Wounded Warrior flag from Jeremy Feldbusch, a 25 year-old veteran from Pennsylvania who lost his eyesight while serving in Iraq. The young veteran met with the Idaho Republican last year when he came to ask Craig to sponsor the Traumatic Injury Protection insurance legislation, also known as "Wounded Warrior" insurance.

[See more pictures by clicking on: June 15 - Wounded Warrior and Blinded Vets]

After meeting with Jeremy and two other young veterans, Ryan Kelly who lost a leg in Iraq, and Heath Calhoun, who lost both legs there, Craig sponsored the bill, which became law just a few weeks later. The legislation, which became effective December 1, 2005, provides anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 to servicemen and women to help them with the costs their families incur while they recuperate.

"I think we set a record in getting that bill from idea to law in just a few weeks," Craig said. "On behalf of my colleagues, I am proud to accept this flag. It will now proudly join other flags from other veterans groups which are displayed in the hearing room of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs."

He made that statement as he and others then watched a documentary film about the difficulties Feldbusch has faced since being blinded. That movie, "Home Front,"may be in theaters later this year.  [To see a portion, CLICK HERE TO WATCH A CLIP.]    

"I highly recommend it," Craig said. "It makes you realize the heavy price that many veterans continue to pay long after the gunfire has ended."

On Thursday Sen. Craig and Sen. Joe Lieberman were presented with the George "Buck" Gillispie award from the Blinded American Veterans Foundation. The plaques they received state: "In appreciation of your outstanding service to American veterans, especially those with sensory disabilities." 
