March 9, 2006
Media contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9093

(Washington, DC) One year ago this month, three young veterans from the war in Iraq came in to visit with U.S. Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs. They sought legislation to help with the costs families experience when our nation's warriors are seriously injured.

Their idea became law within a few weeks of meeting with Chairman Craig last year,  and by Christmas the first checks were being sent out.

"As of this week, the VA has now paid over 1500 traumatically injured service personnel anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000, depending on the severity of their injuries," Craig said. "These are young men and women with amputations, severe burns, total blindness, total deafness, paralysis, and a host of other disabilities sustained in defense of America. Going forward, the ?Wounded Warrior' insurance will help close the gap in financial help these heroes need during their convalescence."

Senator Craig made that announcement Wednesday as he spoke to members of the Paralyzed Veterans of America gathered on Capitol Hill.  He praised Iraq war veterans Ryan Kelly, Jeremy Feldbusch and Health Calhoun for bringing the proposal to his attention. 

"About a year ago, I walked into my office to meet with three veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom: one was missing a leg; another was missing two legs; and the third had lost his sight. They asked that I author legislation to create a new insurance benefit for traumatic injuries such as theirs. Not for them, mind you. They were looking ahead on behalf of their comrades still in combat," Craig said. 

[To see pictures from that meeting, go to: Wounded Warrior project.  For application information, see: Traumatic Injury Protection Under Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance.]


"When the meeting was over I was moved by their passion and motivated by their dedication. Almost immediately following that meeting, I introduced the ?Wounded Warrior' Traumatic Injury Insurance Protection program, along with Sen. Daniel Akaka. I'm glad it is helping."

The legislation covers traumatic injures military personnel experienced in the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan ? from October 7, 2001 through November 30, 2005. After December 1, 2005, the legislation covers all traumatic injuries, whether incurred on the battlefield or not, for those carrying Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance.

Eleven people from Chairman Craig's home state of Idaho have received payment from the insurance program.

Nationwide, 1,543 servicemembers have been paid over $103 million ? an "average" of $66,800 each. Here is a location-by-location breakdown of where the checks have been mailed to:

State/location   Number of checks sent   Total amount

APO boxes 3   #225,000

Alaska 13   $950,000

Alabama 26    $1.8 million

Arkansas 9     $575,000

Arizona 38    $2.625 million

California 222    $13 million

Colorado 52     $3.7 million

Connecticut 5    $375,000

Dist. of Columbia 11    $950,000

Delaware 2    $75,000

Florida 60     $4.55 million

Georgia 62    $4.55 million

Guam 1     $50,000

Hawaii 19    $1.2 million

Iowa 10     $625,000

Idaho 11    $825,000

Illinois 46    $3.1 million

Indiana 12    $925,000

Kansas 24     $1.4 million

Kentucky 25     $1.55 million

Louisiana 33     $2.35 million

Massachucetts 13     $1.025 million

Maryland 36     $2.525 million

Maine 8     $600,000

Michigan 44     $2.95 million

Minnesota 20     $1.55 million

Missouri 21     $1.6 million

Mississippi 21     $1.5 million

Montana 10      $625,000

North Carolina 130      $8.675 million

North Dakota 5     $250,000

Nebraska 4     $250,000

New Hampshire 6     $425,000

New Jersey 12      $725,000

New Mexico 5     $375,000

Nevada 1     $100,000

New York 52     $3.525 million

Ohio 38     $2.35 million

Oklahoma 15    $950,000

Oregon 16     $1.075 million

Pennsylvania 59    $4.350 million

Puerto Rico 5     $375,000

Rhode Island 2    $125,000

South Carolina 23     $1.425 million

South Dakota 5     $375,000

Tennessee 37     $2.45 million

Texas 178     $12.05 million

Utah 8     $375,000

Virginia 47     $2.95 million

Vermont 1     $75,000

Washington 49     $3.425 million

Wisconsin 12      $825,000

West Virginia 4     $375,000

Wyoming 3     $225,000

Other 9     $675,000
