CRAIG PRAISES VETERANS OF PEARL HARBOR<BR><I>Tragic attack occurred 65 years ago today</BR></I>

December 7, 2006
Media contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9126

(Washington, DC) U.S. Senator Larry Craig took time out Thursday to praise both the survivors and those who perished sixty-five years ago during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. 

"Those that have been called ?the greatest generation' began their long journey into war on this date, December 7, 1941," said Sen. Craig, the current Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

"Most are now in their 80's. I'm told that we are losing the survivors of that attack at a rate of two a day. Many of them recently celebrated what they called ?the last reunion' as they gathered recently in Hawaii. While it is sad to see them leave us, their heroic actions that day and the ongoing efforts of that greatest generation will never be forgotten. The date which will live in infamy, December 7, 1941, began ?a new birth of freedom' as Americans joined forces with other free people to defeat the tyrannical forces of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany."

Craig made his comments just as Congress is making its big push to wrap up the last legislation of the year. 

More than 2,400 Americans were killed and over 1,000 were wounded as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Twenty-one ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or damaged, and the U.S. lost 188 aircraft. The Japanese lost 29 aircraft and at least one mini-submarine.

During the next four years of World War II, more than 400,000 Americans would be killed.

Efforts are now underway to raise $50 million from public and private sources to build a new visitors center and museum at Pearl Harbor. The new facility will be known as the Pearl Harbor Memorial Museum & Visitor Center. It will house an expanded state-of-the-art museum, a new research and educational center, a library and more. Construction is set to begin next year.

The project is a joint venture of the Arizona Memorial Museum Association, the National Park Service and the United States Navy.

Sen. Craig toured Pearl Harbor in January while attending field hearings in Hawaii with Sen. Daniel Akaka, the ranking member of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


"Pearl Harbor is still an active Navy port, but it is also a sacred place. While there I took some personal time to view the battleship Arizona. It was a memorable and moving experience," Craig said.

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