September 12, 2005
Contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9093


(Washington, DC) The chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho), announced today that the committee will markup two bills on Thursday, September 15, in room 418 of the Russell Senate Office Building. 


The committee's efforts will begin at 10 a.m. Eastern and will be webcast live on the committee's website: 


The bills are:


A.      Committee Print of S. 1182 (Chairman Larry E. Craig), the "Veterans Health Care Improvements Act of 2005".  The Committee Print contains the following provisions:

C               Care for veterans' newborns delivered at VA facility (or at VA expense)

C               Allow providers of care to Vietnam veterans' spina bifida children to seek third party reimbursement for the difference between amount billed and amount paid by VA

C              Authorization of grant and per diem payments to homeless service providers; increase authorization from $99 to $130 million per year

C              Authorization of VA-provided family therapy

C              Authorization of Senior Executive compensation to Director, VA Nursing Service

C              Repeal of ban on use of appropriated funds for contracting cost comparisons

C              Mental Health/PTSD service improvements:

                        ?  Mandate that VA expand PTSD, substance abuse, tele-health, and other                         initiatives

                        ?  Facilitation of data-sharing between VA and DOD

                        ?  Expansion of National Guard outreach and assessment

                        ?  Increase in the number of Vet Centers with telemedicine linkages; and

                        ? Studies of PTSD Family Therapy resources, and integration of mental health                   data.

From S. 1177 (Ranking Member Daniel K. Akaka - D-Hawaii):

C               Requirement that VA and DOD to establish a joint workgroup to study ways to   

                        ? Combat mental health treatment stigmas, and ways to make treatment more                available

                        ? Make VA mental health expertise more readily available to DOD care           providers;

                        ? Advance family/spousal education and seamless transition;

                        ? Requirement of VA guidelines for screening primary care patients for mental illness.

From S. 1189 (Senator Ken Salazar - D-Colorado):

C               Requirement of a VA strategic plan for the provision of long term care.

From S. 1190 (Senator Salazar)

C                Revised provisions relating to blind rehabilitation care.

Original Provision (from Senator James M. Jeffords - I-Vermont):

              Requirement that VA's National Center on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder collaborate with DOD

         Original Provision (from Senator Barack Obama - D-Illinois):

                        Authorization of homeless veterans service provider technical assistance program.

Original Provision (from Chairman Craig): 

            Authorization of provision of mental health services by licenced mental health counselors.


B.        S. 716 (Ranking Member Akaka), the "Vet Center Enhancement Act of 2005."