July 29, 2005

Contact: Jeff Schrade (202) 224-9093

(Washington, DC) The Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, Sen. Larry Craig, went to the Senate floor today to publically thank his colleagues for agreeing to add $1.5 billion to the Interior Appropriations bill to meet the 2005 budget shortfall for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Senate passed the measure Friday by a vote of 99-1, which the House passed Thursday by a vote of 410-10. The bill (H.R. 2361) is now on its way to President Bush.

"I am cautiously optimistic that VA and OMB have gotten it right this time. Working with Congress, they submitted an FY 05 and 06 budget amendment that identified the need for an addition $2.952 billion. This bill provides a $1.5 billion down payment that goes towards meeting that identified need," said Craig (R-Idaho).

The chairman thanked his senate colleagues for their efforts in making the bill happen, and expressed frustration about the circumstances that led to the need for the money.

"First, let me congratulate Senator Burns, Chairman of the Interior Subcommittee and his Ranking Member, Senator Dorgan, for their work on finishing this important piece of legislation before we adjourn for the August recess," Craig said. "I also want to tell my colleagues that I was very unhappy with the way in which all of this information about VA's shortfalls came to my attention. As Chairman of the Veterans Committee, I take very seriously my responsibility to provide oversight of the VA and its financial picture on behalf of the Senate."

The senate's lead advocate for veterans said that he will continue to keep tight oversight over VA's monetary needs.

"I want each of you to know that I have received personal assurances from Secretary Nicholson that he will provide quarterly reports throughout the fiscal year on VA's financial picture so that Senators can be certain that VA is on track and on budget," Craig said.

The addition of $1.5 billion brings the total for VA's health care budget for 2005 to over $28 billion. Under the legislation adopted today, any of the $1.5 billion not used during the 2005 budget year, which ends September 30, will be carried over into 2006.
