Committee Markup of Pending Legislation


Markup to consider the nominations of James Phillip Terry to be Chairman of the Board of Veterans' Appeals, Department of Veterans' Affairs and Charles S. Ciccolella to be Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training, Department of Labor.

Markup of the following pending legislation:
A.     S. 1234, the ?Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living
         Adjustment Act of 2005?
B.     Committee Print of S. 1235, the ?Veterans' Benefits
         Improvement Act of 2005?, incorporating provisions
         derived from S. 1235, as introduced; S. 552; S. 917;
         S. 151; S. 1259; S. 1271; and S. 423

Disability Access

Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service should contact the committee clerk at (202) 224-9126 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.