Watch - Listen to the Washington Report -- This Week's Edition Addresses Veterans Health Care

(Washington, DC) Every other week Senator Larry Craig's office produces a three to five minute video and audio presentation titled the "Washington Report.?

The most recent edition highlights the senator's effort to improve the health care system for our nation's veterans.  Craig, who serves as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, recently introduced S. 1182, the ?Veterans Health Care Improvements Act of 2005.?  This week's show highlights the bill's benefits and includes commentary from Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson, who has expressed his support for the legislation.

To watch the show in English, click on: Washington Report

To watch the show in Spanish, click on: Reporte de Washington 

For audio only (recommended for slower modem speeds):

Listen to the show in English, click on: Audio -MP3 file - Washington Report

To listen in Spanish, click on: Audio -- MP3 -- Reporte de Washington