House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees To Hold Joint Hearing Thursday

Another joint hearing will be held a week later

(Washington, DC) House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Steve Buyer (R-Indiana) and Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Larry Craig (R-Idaho) announced today their committees will hold a joint hearing this Thursday, April 14.

The hearing will be held in room 345 of the Cannon House Office Building and begin at 10 a.m.  It will feature representatives from the Military Officers Association of America, the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs, AMVETS, the American Ex-Prisoners of War, and the Vietnam Veterans of America.

The veterans organizations are expected to provide testimony on the budget Congress is now considering, survivors benefits, and other issues of importance to America's veterans.

The following Thursday in the same hearing room, and also starting at 10 a.m., the House and Senate Committees on Veterans' Affairs will convene another joint hearing to receive testimony from the Fleet Reserve Association, the Air Force Sergeants Association, that Retired Enlisted Association and the Gold Star Wives of America.

"It is important that we listen to those who have served, and that is what these types of hearings are all about," said Sen. Craig.

"As a veteran, I look forward to hearing what my fellow comrades in arms have to say," said Rep. Buyer.

In September the House and Senate Committees will hold a final joint hearing for the year featuring a legislative presentation from representatives of The American Legion.