November 16, 2005
Contact: Jeff Schrade (202)224-9093


(Washington, DC) Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Larry Craig praised his colleagues for approving the nomination of George J. Opfer to be the next Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


?With the VA's budget now over $70 billion a year, it is vitally important that this nation have a full time Inspector General to investigate allegations of fraud, waste and abuse.  We now have that in George Opfer,? said Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho), who chairs the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


Opfer was unanimously approved by the Senate last Thursday, just before the Senate adjourned to celebrate Veterans Day.


The VA Office of Inspector General conducts audits, investigations, and inspections of VA programs, operations, and other activities.  The office also recommends policies to Congress and the Department which will promote cost savings and efficiencies while at the same time ensure that the needs of veterans are met.


The Office of the Inspector General employs approximately 485 people, who audit and monitor the Department of Veterans Affairs, which employs over 200,000 individuals.

